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OTECH's Logo where the O is yellow and TECH is white
The Innovation Awards Event Logo

To support and promote local start-ups, entrepreneurs and businesses doing great things, OTECH awards our Innovation awards in different categories. Part of OTECH's Mission is to support and promote companies doing great things and this is just one of the ways we do that.

OTECH's Innovation Awards


Most Innovative
Startup Award

Each Year we select one startup from our region who is doing some truly great stuff. To qualify for this award the company must be under 5 years old.

Community Innovator Award

This Award is given to someone or an organization in the community is being innovative and creating a positive impact for the community.

All Around Best Innovation Award

This Award is given to whoever is creating or innovating something truly great. This category is not limited to startups or even companies.

Know a company, organization or just someone doing something great?

OTECH allows submissions year round. We close submissions for the current year on November 1st of each calendar year to finalize the selection process and judge the winners of each category. 

Large Audience

Submit An Innovator

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

  • Your submission is anonymous.

  • Each submission is for only one award category.

  • Anyone is eligible to submit or to be submitted, no affiliation to OTECH is required.

  • ​While anyone or any organization is eligible for submission we will give preference to submissions located in Central Florida.

Affiliation To Submitted Entity

Thanks for submitting this entity for one of our innovation awards! If you would like to submit them for another award or submit another entity for consideration please do so or you may leave this page when you wish.

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